Amanda Dorter
Health and Wellness
Promoting physical and mental health and wellness
Teaching you and your body to care for yourself
I am not a registered or licensed massage therapist, but have experience offering massages with therapeutic benefit. I am available in Guelph with reduced rates.
Contact Amanda Dorter at
How Massage Helps
Relieve muscle and tendon pain, help heal strains and injury;
Alleviate headaches, insomnia, burn-out;
Ease symptoms of chronic pain and CNS conditions;
Release tensions, anxiety and stress;
Reorient you to relaxation, breathing and grounding;
Improve immune system, circulation, digestion, skin tone & suppleness;
Increase physical energy, flexibility, balance and good posture;
Enhance self-awareness and the mind-body connection;
Heighten mental acuity and focus.
Sessions with Amanda Dorter are generally located
between downtown and the university, in the "old Academic"
neighbourhood. Out-calls to your home or another space may be
possible. Click on the "Outcall" link for more info.
evening and weekend appointments are available. Generally, at least 48
hours notice is required. Advance bookings welcome.
Please cancel with 24 hours notice to free your time up for someone else.
Special Summer Rates
$40-$55 – 60 minutes
$55-$65 – 90 minutes
$75-$90 – 120 minutes
Click on the Accessibility tab for sliding scale info.